Friday, October 17, 2014

The Flash (Pilot & Episode 2 Review)

Finally, another Flash TV series is here, and it's awesome! Played by actor Grant Gustin, the flash has never been more alive! This is a review of the two episodes that have already aired.

I'm a big fan of the flash so I really enjoyed how the show isn't afraid to give it a really comic feel. Hell, Professor Zoom was there (albeit blurry) in what looked like his iconic yellow costume. I'm glad they didn't go the route of Smallville for this one. Or Arrow, as I felt like Arrow was like (we can't bring Batman to the small screen so we'll adjust Green Arrow to be very...Batman-ish). Nope! Gustin plays the Barry we all know and love. The first episode really exceeded my expectations. There were a lot of easter eggs (Killer Frost, Vibe) and that was awesome! It wasn't shoved down your throat either so it felt like part of the world more than an easter egg too. Iris is also African American like in the new 52 so it's pretty neat seeing things straight from the comic world right away.  The way Barry uses his abilities were well done and believable on screen. It didn't feel like they were "showing off" or just trying to be flashy. When Barry was running around the tornado it had such a classic comic book feel visually as he would run. The appearance of Eddie Thawn also confirmed that  Reverse Flash is there, and he's all up in the woman Barry loves! I'm sure that's going to bring up even more bad blood later on!

The cast was phenomenal. They all did stand out jobs, except however the main villains of both episodes did not. Weather Wizard (Clyde Martin) had no personality, no story, and didn't seem to have much motive in the end when he created his huge tornado. Multiplex (Danton Black) had a bit more personality, but also I never really got the feeling of (go that's why he's doing what he's doing so it makes sense). It made me think, if I ever got screwed over BADLY and got powers to duplicate myself the first thing I would think about wouldn't be getting back at my boss, or to hide in a barn and make tornados. They need to give the villain a little more screen time, and more speaking roles. They sacrificed that for more screen time with Barry's personal life, and that screen time was great. I feel bad he's being friend zoned so bad by Iris. I also love the relationship between Barry and Joe West. Especially in the second episode where Joe really came off as a father figure that wants what's best for his son. He also understood that Barry can do amazing things and it's not bad to want to help people with your abilities. Barry's relationship with his father was also very deep. The ending of the first episode where he saw his father in jail was moving even for me. I like that personal touch these episodes have. I also can't wait to find out more about Dr. Wells and just who he really is.

Look, this is an amazing show. Once it fixes the issue with it's villains and make them more memorable the show will be TV perfection. If you've ever heard of the Flash you won't want to miss a day. If your new to the character and just want some good TV, this is also for you!
