Monday, August 18, 2014

My Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Yesterday I saw the highly praised Superhero team-up film by Marvel/Disney. It currently holds a 92% rating on Rotten Tomatoes with tons of praise and thumbs ups.

The movie is centered around a child who watched his mother die before being abducted by aliens. He is none other than Star Lord. A character with a knack for getting into trouble. He steals an orb which is wanted by different characters in the film which leads to him being a wanted man. That's where Rocket, Groot, and Gamora come in. Now it's all about collecting a large sum of money for the relic which turns out to be an infinity stone, part of the infinity gautlet worn by Thanos, the big man behind the scenes. In the end the team realizes that the stone is too dangerous even to sell and use it to destroy the evil Ronan.

My anticipation was high for this film given all the positive reviews, however i came out disappointing. It's like people only see what they like and ignore the blatant negative aspects of the film. Character development was nowhere to be found in this epic. They tried a romantic approach to Starlord and Gamora which played out about as cliche as it gets in film, however it still managed to feel forced. Starlord never came off as a bad guy in the first place. He pretty much ended the movie as the same exact person he was in the beginning. The same goes with the other 2 stars of the movie. I say two because Thrax seemed more like an appendage than a member of the team. He was just sort of...there. No real function or need. The team would have probably been better off if he had just stayed in the prison. The design for the alien creatures was a let down. It just seemed like everyone was just pained a different color. It didn't have that creative magic that made movies like Star Wars as great as it is. One of the WORST things about the movie, besides the simplistic plot, was Ronan, the main antagonist. I couldn't have cared less about him. His motives were never really explained and all he really did was sit around. He had a useless fight scene with Thrax at one point that just seemed thrown in. He was a waste of a character and in the final "battle" he was barely even a threat. He never even came off the slightest bit intimidating. The whole film seemed like a long trailer for Thanos to be honest. The characters, I couldn't care less about. Even as Starlord seemed to be dying from the infinity stone I was alright with it. When Gamora seemed like she was going to die i just didn't care. The characters were so one dimensional that they wouldn't be missed and could easily be replaced. Especially Thrax. He was just a waste. I don't even know why he was around. The comedy banter was a bit much too. At one point they refrain saying "asshole" but follow it up by saying "dick". They had jokes to make 13 year old boys giggle but it came across forced and actually got pretty annoying.

This movie was far from the amazing spectacle that it was made out to be. Throughout the entire film I always got that "something's missing" vibe from it. It had the opportunity to be a really great film, but became nothing more than a popcorn flick that you'd see when nothing else is on.


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