Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Beard!

My beard is something I take very seriously. I usually switch up my beard style from what you see in the photo, to the "Pencil Line" beard look outlining my face. However, recently I've decided to keep this look...FOREVER. Inside I was cautious of the stigmas that come from having a beard. As many bearded men know, the sharp cut look doesn't last forever. I've heard the term "mountain man" often. But now it's time to do my own thing and let my beard shine.

A lot of the stigmas bearded men face can be viewed everyday on the television. There's a commercial with a non-bearded man showing his "inner beast" who eats string cheese and whipped cream simultaneously, eating a barrel of cheesy poofs with most of the barrel sloppily falling on himself and the floor. Of course this man has a beard, much like mine. That's how us beard men are portrayed but can't be further from the truth. Hipsters are also portrayed as men with beards. Clearly, I'm not a damn hipster.
Not all men with beards wear skinny pants, lumberjack shirts, overalls or bow ties. Having a beard is an attribute of a grown man who's about his business. It's a sign of maturity and that you have the strength to take care of the issues presented to you in your life. I don't grow a beard for attention, like a hipster does. I grow my beard because it's a look that expresses my inner man, and the responsibility and maturity that comes with it. I walk with my head up high with my beard, not trying to please anyone else but myself.

How do I take care of my beard? I probably do the minimum now as I continue the journey to keep my beard strong and healthy. But there are a few things that I always make sure to do.
  • Was thoroughly every day.
  • Condition the beard every day.
  • Make sure it's combed 4 to 5 times a day MINIMUM.
  • I make sure to shape it up every few days.
  • The beard receives a soft trim every few days to keep it healthy.
Take care of your beard. Don't worry, just because you have a beard doesn't make you a god forsaken hipster who thinks their unique by following a trend, or a fat, nasty, detestable slob that no one wants to be around. Having a beard tells the world you're a MAN. You're ready to take on responsibility and look good doing it. Treat your beard good and enjoy all it has to offer. I learned to respect my beard, and not worry about stigmas, because if you aren't what a bearded man has been portrayed to be you don't have to worry about it. GREAT MEN HAVE GREAT BEARDS.

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